The seasons carry us through a multitude of changes and comparisons. When the daylight diminishes during the winter months, darkness becomes a cape wrapped around one’s shoulders; introspection and quiet contemplation serve as rays of light cutting through the shadows. Much is happening beneath nature’s surface, of which we are a part. The stillness of a fresh blanket of snow offers a space for reflection as it muffles external noise. There is a peace in this in-between space if we allow ourselves to lean into and appreciate it–a calm before the flurry of activity that spring ushers in. It is a time for rest and renewal, preceding new growth.
What will blossom in your open heart and mind? Is there harmony between you and these natural patterns, or do you feel friction in pushing against change? Do thoughts flow toward the light that is soon to expand its reach, touching everything, or to what cannot yet be seen, felt, heard or experienced?
“Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.” ~ Rumi
If we observe with curiosity the world around us, it can guide us in finding our peace and purpose, allowing us to fully embrace who we are at every stage of our being. Yet, how many seasons pass under the veil of comparison to others in the pursuit of success and excellence? Does the oak tree in its winter slumber envy and compare itself to the birch with its white bark? Does a fish in its water world flap its fins with a longing to be a legged creature on land? A yearning to be something we are not, rather than the mindful acceptance of who we are, can bring a new type of freedom and awakening. When caught in the trap of comparison, we fail to fully see ourselves or others. We feel the sting of lack and unworthiness. Meanwhile, the seasons of change in nature continue to unfold in harmony all around us, without our interference or control. Abundance surrounds in all directions. Every bird, insect, blade of grass, and living thing has its own unique anatomy of being, which is perfect and more than enough. You, too, are a stroke of harmony and perfection, more than enough. Compassion and gratitude for your place in the web of life are the salve to soothe a soul tired from comparing and despairing.
The new year brings hope for a fresh start and growth. Ironically, January 10th has been dubbed “Quitter’s Day” because it marks the point when many begin to abandon their resolutions, finding it too challenging to maintain motivation. I offer you a different approach. Embrace and appreciate the transition from winter to spring with a new perspective—one that doesn’t make you feel less than through comparison or self-defeat, but instead encourages grace for contemplation and clarity. Allow space for your goals and desires to develop and inspire, rather than constrict or defeat you. Change is always on the horizon, and you are exactly where and who you need to be in the grand tapestry of all that is.
Julie Hartman is a Life Coach and Strategist based in Southern New Hampshire. Her mission is to inspire greatness and foster worthiness in people every day. Specializing in mindset, one of her gifts is seeing potential, possibilities, and creative problem-solving for others that support their personal and professional goals and ambitions. Julie has over 20 years of experience coaching, mentoring, and teaching. She designs and leads individual and group coaching programs, workshops, and intensives. She is committed to bringing the best of her experience and expertise to her work and strives to be a positive leader in personal growth, mindfulness, and self-development.
To connect with Julie, please visit or email her directly at