Summer Feng Shui for your Outdoor Spaces
Extend and uplift your family and friend connections this summer. Bring balance and joy to your outdoor spaces – Your patio, rooftop, decks and backyard. Enjoy some summer feng [...]
Dedicated to providing beautiful, healthy & empowering space
Renae Jensen2023-07-04T20:42:01-04:00June 30th, 2023|Categories: Featured Articles, Green Design, Magazine|Tags: Environmental Psychology, Feng Shui, Gardens, Green Design|
Extend and uplift your family and friend connections this summer. Bring balance and joy to your outdoor spaces – Your patio, rooftop, decks and backyard. Enjoy some summer feng [...]
Renae Jensen2022-12-15T19:03:29-05:00July 31st, 2022|Categories: Empowered Interior Design, Energy Fields and Energetics, Feng Shui, Magazine|Tags: Color, Environmental Psychology, Feng Shui|
Conscious Color for your Learning Environment As summer begins to wind down, we turn our thoughts to the upcoming school year. Whether in a private school, public school, school [...]
Renae Jensen2022-12-15T19:06:45-05:00May 31st, 2022|Categories: Conscious Architecture, Empowered Interior Design, Feng Shui, Magazine|Tags: Color, Environmental Psychology, Intentional Design|
What would a world be without color? Today we can partner with the light spectrum and codes of our color spectrums to uplift our lives and environments. Marketing companies have [...]
Renae Jensen2022-12-15T20:20:32-05:00December 31st, 2021|Categories: Empowered Interior Design, Feng Shui, Magazine|Tags: Environmental Psychology, Feng Shui, Intentional Design, Interior Design|
My husband is Danish, and so I was delighted to delve into the “Danish” conscious living strategy that is simple, easy to obtain, and life enhancing on many levels. Hygge [...]
Dezeen2022-12-15T20:22:49-05:00November 3rd, 2021|Categories: Conscious Architecture, Empowered Interior Design, Magazine|Tags: Architecture, Environmental Psychology, Intentional Design, Interior Design|
Google Offers Scientific Proof that Design Is Important with "A Space for Being" A neuroaesthetic design installation was on view in Spazio Maiocchi in Milan, as part of the [...]
David Price Francis2022-12-15T21:02:14-05:00July 31st, 2021|Categories: Magazine, Sacred Geometry|Tags: Environmental Psychology, Sacred Geometry|
An ego-driven life is primarily personally based. Ego-based consciousness is rooted in lower vibration, self-serving energies. In contrast, geo-based consciousness reflects a planetary perspective and speaks of having a larger [...]
Mary Dennis2022-12-15T21:03:12-05:00May 31st, 2021|Categories: Empowered Interior Design, Magazine|Tags: Color, Environmental Psychology, Intentional Design, Interior Design|
For years I recommended a soft, ivory or beige coloring for the interior, “neutral feel”, of my client’s homes. I specifically chose an earth coloring for the natural, elemental [...]
Mary Dennis2022-12-15T21:06:54-05:00March 1st, 2021|Categories: Empowered Interior Design, Magazine|Tags: Clutter, Environmental Psychology, Intentional Design, Interior Design|
Spring into March by De-cluttering and making room for the new! Did you ever walk into a space that just didn’t feel right? Was it the color [...]