In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in chaos, not realizing why we feel tired, sad, frustrated, or irritable. Do you put others first forgetting to care for yourself? Have you pushed your feelings aside because you feel there’s no time? These patterns become habits we don’t even notice. Patterns are something we created & we have the power to change them.
By focusing on your mind-body connection, you can become more aware of how your body responds to your thoughts. Your mind constantly sends messages to your body, which can create tension, like clenching your jaw, tightening your shoulders, or cramping your legs. These reactions become automatic over time. You can change these patterns by being mindful of your body. By noticing how it feels, you can catch tension before it builds and choose to relax or redirect your attention for better well-being.
· Set your intention for the day before you get out of bed, stretch like a cat taking a few deep breaths, smiling as you connect with your intention.
· Notice how your body feels, set a parameter for noticing how it feels when you’re relaxed, focused & clear, so you’ll know when you aren’t.
· Take two deep breaths after completing a task, a phone call or as when your body is tense. Feel your feet on the floor & breathe in beneficial energy & exhale what is done.
· Stand up & stretch periodically, especially when sitting for a long time, march in place for 20 steps with arms swinging.
· Drink lots of fresh pure water, this not only keeps you hydrated, but will nudge your body to get up every so often.
· Take a 30 second vacation with Lois, these 30 second videos are fun & bring you calm & peace.
· Smile into your breath, your cells will smile right back, those around us will smile too.Join Lois’ Weekly Online Circle with likeminded people for conversation, cards & clearing meditation.