Dedicated to providing beautiful, healthy & empowering space
The Conscious Design Magazine is dedicated to promoting Beautiful, Healthy and Empowering Space. We believe that beyond beautiful, we need to have our buildings uplift and support us, whether it is our family home, our corporate office, a medical facility, or our schools. Our issues are free and subscriptions are available online.
The Conscious Design Magazine reaches people that are interested in living life at its highest potential. We are passionate about sharing what we know about the impact of our homes and buildings on us.
We highlight information on Conscious Design®; the integrated concept that redefines the way we look at our spaces.
We incorporate ancient concepts such as Feng Shui with cutting edge research in Green Design and Baubiologie to create not only beautiful spaces, but spaces that are also healing and empowering.
The Conscious Design Magazine was founded by Renae Jensen. It is our mission to bring awareness and resources to the world to promote healthy space. Our goal is to tell your stories, answer your questions, promote your products, services, and knowledge to create a connection. It benefits the earth, each other and future generations.
Your success is our success.
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